Pixel Maniacs
Based in Nuremberg, Germany
Release date:
– Feb 16, 2016 (Steam)
– Aug 22, 2017 (PS4, XBO)
– Jan 22, 2018 (Switch)
Playstation Network (SIEA)
Playstation Network (SIEE)
Xbox Store
Nintendo eShop
Regular Price:
Steam | $12.99 |
PS4, XBO | $14.99 |
Switch | $19.99 |
ChromaGun is a first person puzzler about colors. The basic principle is as easy as applying it is complex: Exit the chambers via the exit doors. Use the ChromaGun to colorize walls and WorkerDroids to progress in the chambers. WorkerDroids (the players’ main cause of headaches in ChromaGun) are attracted to walls of the same color and can be used for a variety of tasks like opening doors, activating triggers or removing the danger of deadly electrified floor-tiles by mercilessly sacrificing them. ChromaGun encompasses eight chapters of mind-melting puzzles and witty background-narrative.
ChromaGun was our very first large-scale game, before only having developed mobile games and apps. The initial idea of ChromaGun was developed during game jam Ludum Dare 32 and was created in only three days. Ever since, we've improved on the concept to deliver the game we're now publishing to steam. The first updated version of ChromaGun was released on iOS and generated massive positive feedback, including an article on Gamezebo, a mention in a German tech magazine and even on television. After publishing the idea on Greenlight, we expected to be waiting for months. The Game was greenlit in only two weeks. Since Ludum Dare in April 2015, every single model, texture and script in the game was updated. We rebuilt the game from the ground up, added a narrative and refined and polished every single aspect of it. With the anniversary update released in March 2017, a map editor and a new graphics system were added to the Steam version. The anniversary update is the version available on consoles (except for the map editor, which is exclusive to Steam).
- 5-7 hour Single Player campaign
- 56 levels across 8 Chapters
- Map editor (Steam only)
- 21 Trophies / Achievements (PS4, Xbox One)
- 22 Achievements (Steam)
Accolades Teaser (PS4) YouTube
"Be More Like John" Trailer YouTube
Logo & Icon
Selected Articles
- "Like Portal 3 would have done, except perhaps even better"
- Kevin Tavore, TrueAchievements - "This Game Is a 'Portal' Rip-Off, and Owns It"
- Mike Diver, VICE - "Der kleine Bruder von GlaDOS"
- Michael Krosta, 4Players - "Must play before you die"
- Fraghero Team, Fraghero
Additional Links
Eurogamer – ChromaGun: Der Einstieg der Pixel Maniacs in die Spielebranche und die Abkehr von Apps
German article detailing the creation of ChromaGun, and what it meant for Pixel Maniacs eurogamer.de.
Colorblind Mode Blog Post
A blog post explaining how we implemented a colorblind mode in ChromaGun. pixel-maniacs.com.
About Pixel Maniacs
Pixel Maniacs is an indie game development studio based out of Nuremberg, Germany.
The company behind Pixel Maniacs – the Benjamin Lochmann New Media GmbH – was founded in 2003, and has since gone through several stages, eventually ending up in game development.
In 2016, with the release of our debut title ChromaGun, we acquired the brand Pixel Maniacs, under which we develop and release all our games.
More information
More information on Pixel Maniacs, our logo & relevant media are available here.
ChromaGun Credits
Benjamin Lochmann
Andreas Scholz
Team Lead, Programmer
Johann Bauer
Software Engineer
Chris Hinze
Programmer (Tools)
Alexandru Ciocea
Programmer (Tools)
Steve Crouse
Lead Game Designer, Artist
Valerij Müller
Caroline Kachler
Markus Esch
Stephan Gembler
Jaroslav "Coldnoise" Vyhnička
Kevin MacLeod
Johnny Stone
Narrator (German)
Rolf Buschpeter
General Contact
Press Inquiries, Key Requests
Job Info
presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks